Sunday, May 19, 2024

Million Dollar Arm

Well, I thought this was just another true story about Sports. But as the movie unfolded, I was mildly surprised that a huge part of this movie involved India! Then, as the movie unfolded further, I was greatly surprised that two Indians Rinku and Dinesh actually got selected and even ended up playing professional baseball! Well, well, well! I guess this was in the news back in the days when the reality show was going on across India and maybe I missed it since I was in US but indeed this was a great venture and innovative thinking, not just for the business of baseball but for enriching lives! Coming to movie-making, it is as professional as it could be. Excellent casting options, great screenplay and narration. Definitely worth the watch. One directional feedback though - instead of showcasing only India's poverty localities, they could have also shown some of the country's much developed locations. 

Rating: Good

Language: English

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