Thursday, June 6, 2013

Life of Pi

Wanted to desperately see this movie after having read the novel. Finally got the chance in Cathay Pacific airlines from LA to Hong Kong. As it is rightfully said, this is an unfilmable novel and the fact that this was made into a movie in itself is remarkable. Good thing about the movie is that nothing from the novel is taken out. If any, scenes have been added (I think, because I don’t remember Pi’s girlfriend-story in the novel). Apart from that, movie is exceptionally well taken. If we thought Titanic is the be-all and end-all of sinking ship movies, this was even better. One can feel the storm in the movie, the way ship rocked to and fro, and sunk. One can feel the fear when Pi sees Richard Parker in the life boat. I didn’t feel it when I read the novel but I certainly did when I saw the movie, even though I knew it was there! That’s the magic of movie! Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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