Well, what to say. True story about Aisha Chaudhary who lived a very short life. More than her life, this tale revolves around the parents who struggled so much from her day one till her last breath to make her life beautiful and worth living, and tried so hard to keep extending her life at every possible roadblock. To raise so many pounds by way of crowdfunding to get her treated at such a young age was remarkable especially when there was no gofundme or other social media networks. Niren's (dad) life is remarkable too, considering how he grew up the corporate ladder despite family issues. Aditi's (mom) life seems to be single-pointed dedication to Aisha. As you can see, there is more to the tale than the movie itself, so definitely worth the watch. And all the actors have done a great job, and director has made the narration remarkable too (considering the ending is well known indeed). Hats off to the entire crew for bringing this inspiring story to the big screen and to many homes now via OTT.
Rating: Good
Language: Hindi